Gayton le Marsh Parish Meeting 25th October 2022
Held - Gayton le Marsh Village Hall 7.00pm
1. Present: Rick Crust (Parish Chairman), Keith Robinson (Vice-Chairman), Mark Henry (Parish Clerk) and Peter Buckeridge (RFO). Guest Cllr Daniel McNally (LCC). Including 17 residents present.
2. Welcome: Rick welcomed those present to the Parish Meeting.
3. Apologies: Collette Morris, Tracey Stubbs, Les Milton, Marilyn Milton and Cllr Harrison (ELDC).
4. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the Parish AGM, 24th May 2022 were distributed to those present. Minutes of the AGM were approved by those present. These were signed and dated by Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk.
5. Set Parish Precept for 2023/2024: Rick (Parish Chairman), informed the meeting that the previous Parish precept was £700.00, and proposed it remained the same for the financial year 2023/2024. This proposal was put to the meeting, and it was unanimously approved.
6. Financial Report: Peter (RFO), informed the meeting as to the balance of accounts as of 25th October 2022. Parish Meeting current account - £1,623.41. Windfarm Fund current account - £25,154.83. Windfarm Fund savings account - £38,898.67. Windfarm Fund post 25 year savings account - £16,596.02. Accounts as they stand are quite healthy.
7. Proposed changes to criteria to BOTH Community Fund and Project Fund: Sallie discussed the proposed changes to the current criteria. Remove the Personal/Financial gain part of the criteria from both the Community and Project Fund. This matter was discussed at length. A resident present at the meeting queried this, that education benefit should benefit the community from the fund and was aware of other villages use education grants. Parish Chairman stated that this was for a community benefit, not for an individual. Sallie reiterated what was set initially for funding agreement. Parish Chairman informed the meeting that the Personal/Financial gain part of the criteria is an issue. That the Windfarm Fund committee wanted this part of the criteria to be removed. That the committee members do not want to mean test applications for funds. The proposed change to the criteria was put to the meeting. 17 approved, 1 abstention.
8. Approval for Project application: Parish Chairman informed the meeting that at a recent meeting of the Windfarm Fund Committee, it proposed to help everyone in the Village with a £200.00 payment. This was due to the ongoing increase in the cost of living. If this is approved, it would be a one-off payment. This proposal was put to the meeting for approval by the Parish Chairman and seconded by Andrew. Approved unanimously.
Peter (RFO) stated that an application form will be made available for those seeking to claim the £200.00, via the Gayt Post.
9. Update on Road widening – Gayton Top: Parish Charman informed the meeting of the update and costs, that test digs are required for health and safety purposes. The road widening at Gayton Top is ongoing, utilities in that area were discussed by both LCC Highways and Spences the Contractors. Also, the passing places, that the one opposite Jacklin’s requires widening.
10. Update on Dog waste Bins: Parish Clerk informed the meeting that 3 bins have been installed in the Village. That there seems to be an issue with the bins being emptied by ELDC. Parish Clerk to chase up ELDC on this matter. Parish Chairman updated meeting that Village is now on the rota for the salt bins to be replenished.
11. AOB: Parish Chairman informed those present to consider a function for the Kings Coronation in May 2023. That if the village wished to arrange a function for this to contact Parish Chairman and Clerk along with other members of the Windfarm Fund Committee.
A resident again discussed funding for education, that they were not happy with the current situation, and how you interpret community benefit, in relation to books for study and electronic equipment. Andrew suggested the Windfarm Committee consider purchasing electronic equipment for loan to Villagers. Joan informed the meeting that the Poors Land, pays to children from 11 years onwards, who live in the Village, who are in full-time education can apply for funds.
Cllr McNally informed the meeting that Lincs Digital have access to refurbished electronic devices, for use to individuals. Parish Clerk to research this.
Kathy informed the meeting that the defibrillator is now working and suggested another at the other end of the Village. Andrew stated there was a defibrillator in Withern and in the telephone kiosk at Great Carlton.
The Parish Chairman and Clerk thanked Cllr McNally along with those from the Village who attended the Parish Meeting.
The Meeting was closed at 8.10pm.