Gayton le Marsh Parish Meeting AGM 25th May 2023
Held - Gayton le Marsh Village Hall 7.00pm
1. Present: Rick Crust (Parish Chairman), Mark Henry (Parish Clerk) and Peter Buckeridge (RFO). Guests Cllr Daniel McNally (LCC) and Travis Hesketh (ELDC). 21 residents also present.
Welcome / Apologies: Rick welcomed those present to the Parish Meeting AGM. Cllr Hesketh read out his statement to the meeting, as he was recently elected to ELDC. He is the new District Councillor for our Ward and stated he would endeavour to attend our Parish Meetings.
Apologises were received from, Keith Robinson, Tracey Stubbs and Colette Morris.
2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the Parish Meeting, 25th October 2022, were available to those present. Residents were also advised a copy is on display on the Village Hall notice board and the website. The minutes were approved, by those present. These were signed and dated by Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk.
3. Matters arising: None.
4. Chairman’s Report: Rick stated the Village had celebrated Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee in June last year. Commemorative mugs were given to all children in the Parish. There was a Village picnic along with fancy dress and face painting. Queen Elizabeth died aged 96 at Balmoral on 8th September 2022.
King Charles’ Coronation celebrations were held in the Village on Monday 8th May. Commemorative mugs were given to all Parish children. Rick mentioned that the Dog waste bins have been erected and are being used.
A one off £200 support payment for the cost of living was provided for all households in the Parish, to help with the extreme sudden increases in the cost of heating and electric.
The road widening scheme and further passing places in the village were eventually completed, at the end of March 2023. No progression on the Telephone box, perhaps planning permission is required to move same.
Rick thanked Mark, Peter and the vice-chairman Keith (in his absence) for all their work done in support of the village.
5. Financial Report: Peter provided copies of the report to those present and read over same to the meeting. The Parish Meeting balance at 31/03/2023 is £2507.76, precept £700.00. Expenditure was, £1710.76, leaving a current balance of £797.38.
6. Adoption of Parish Account for AGAR: Form completed for certificate of exemption for year ending 31st March 2023. Copy of this certificate of exemption, is now on display on the Village Hall notice board.
7. Adoption of Windfarm Accounts: Current a/c balance as of 31/03/2023 - £20,396.97. Savings a/c as of 31/03/2023 - £33,898.67. 25 year a/c balance as of 31/03/2023 – £15,366.22. EnergieKontor Grants - £26,249.03. Interest on savings a/c - £495.55. Balance as of 31/03/2023, £96,406.44 less expenditure, £12,577.89, leaving £84,028.55.
8. Set Windfarm Annual Budgets: Maintenance £2,000.00. Community fund £2,500.00 (maximum grant per applicant £250.00).
9. Election of Officers: Parish Chairman, Rick Crust. Proposed by Wayne Hollingsworth, seconded by Andrew Chambers. Parish Vice-Chairman, Keith Robinson. Proposed by Roger Green, seconded by Joan Mitchell.
10. Windfarm Committee: No change remains the same, approved.
11. Parish representatives for Village Hall Committee: Currently Keith and Wayne. Caz Byers proposed, all approved.
12. AOB: Parish Chairman spoke to the meeting about dyke clearing. This is looking to take place in either October or November 2023. A resident was concerned about a streetlight that was permanently on, near to Gayton House. Cllr McNally to investigate this. Same resident also concerned about the state of verges in the village, and some tyres and asked if there was any need for them, as they are an eyesore. Parish Chairman to chase up.
Parish Chairman spoke about the condition of parts of the road in the village and urged those present to report this using the fix my street app, via the internet. Also spoke about the road widening at Gayton Top.
A resident asked if the Parish could assist in relation to a telegraph pole that is not being used, if something could be done about it. This resident has been in contact with BT. Parish Clerk to chase up.
Cllr McNally spoke to Meeting about LCC Highways, to consider getting official to visit the Village, in relation to the current condition of the roads. He informed the meeting of a litter picking scheme and would put in a request on behalf of the Parish Meeting. This was welcomed by those present.
He also spoke about foster carers, LCC is currently running a campaign, that if anyone was interested, to share via social media.
The Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk thanked Councillors McNally and Hesketh, along with those from the Village who attended the Parish Meeting AGM.
The meeting was closed at 7.52pm.