
Gayton le Marsh Parish AGM 2019 – Minutes

Held Wed 10th April 2019 Village Hall – 7:00pm

18 residents were present, including Parish Chair, plus 2 guests ( Sandra Harrison – ELDC councillor, Daniel McNally – LCC councillor).


  1. Chairman’s Report
    1. Outstanding items from Parish/Windfarm Meeting 19 Oct 2018.
      1. Gayton Phone Kiosk  -  awaiting consultation with adjoining  land owner.
      2. Windfarm Constitution and processes - updated.
      3. General Data Protection Regulations – Parish Website and Windfarm processes/documentation updated.
      4. Support letter for Louth Hospital - sent to Victoria Atkins MP.


  1. Outstanding items from Emergency Parish Meeting 6 Dec 2018.
    1. Maintenance Budget overspend – see 3. Budget
    2. Speeding Though Village – see AOB.


  1. Chair’s Report 2018/9
    1. Parish lost another of its oldest and memorable members – Mike Westlake.
    2. General Parish business
      1. Planning Requests
        • Chestnut Farm – approved.
        • Greenways Garden Ornaments – approved.
      2. General thanks
        • Joan for continued efforts running Parish Watch.
        • Valerie and Peter for producing Gayt Post newsletter.
        • Pudding Club Ladies.
        • Village Hall Committee for running events.
        • Windfarm Committee members.
        • Parish Clerk Sue, and Diana, Responsible Finance Officer.
      3. Other Items of Note
        • Cooperation with other 3 Windfarm Parish Councils especially Carlton.


  1. Financial Report 2018/9

Distributed at the meeting - it was explained that the cost of the dyke drainage was significantly higher due to extensive clearing that was required this year. It is expected that the cost will not be as high in the next few years but will still be higher than current budget – no other issues raised – Accepted:18 for

  1. Parish Meeting Income & Expenditure
  2. Windfarm Fund Income & Expenditure




  1. Set Budgets 2019/20

As 2018/9 except Maintenance and Administration Fund raised by additional £500 to cover increased dyke maintenance costs and increased accountancy fees – Accepted: 18 for

  1. Parish Precept - £700
  2. Maintenance and Administration Fund - £2000
  3. Community Fund - £4000


  1. Windfarm Fund Update
    1. Outstanding Projects Status
      1.  P18003 – Joint purchase Lawnmower for Churchyard – £500 each allocated by Parish and PCC, purchase being progressed.
      2. P18004 – Passing Places (Phase 1) – complete.

It was explained by Rick that additional tarmac plainings were in his yard that could be used in the future to repair holes.

It was also agreed that he should approach a landowner regarding repairing holes in the field entrance that was being used as an unofficial passing place – Action: Rick.


  1.   New Projects for Approval.

The chair explained that currently there were insufficient funds available to meet the needs of all four projects. It was agreed to initially review all the projects then agree at the end how to best fund any projects that were approved on a priority/need basis.


  1.  A19001 – St George’s Churchyard Improvements.

Shaping and removal of trees within the churchyard.

Cost - £7400 split over 4 phases (£600, £2400, £2400, £800 + VAT)

Peter presented the project and also explained that the project was flexible in its timeframes and how it could be financed.

                                                Approved : 14 For, 1 Against

  1. A19002 – Improvements & Upgrade Village Hall Externally and Garden

Install fencing, patio area with picnic tables/benches.

Cost - £4138

Carol presented the project and its importance to be completed ASAP. She explained that Awards For All were also being requested to provide funding primarily for completing electrical work within the Village Hall and if the Windfarm Application was unsuccessful could have funds earmarked for new bar equipment diverted to this project.

                                                Approved: 16 For



  1. A19003 – Passing Places (Phase 2)

Create 3 new passing places – tarmac.

Cost - £14340 split (£3980, £3820, £4150 + VAT)

Rick presented the project on Kathy’s behalf, explaining where the 3 passing places were to be placed, the robust nature of their build and belief that they would be adopted by Lincs Highways (response to query). The estimate is only valid until the end of May and entails all 3 passing places being done at the same time.

                                                Approved: 11 For 3 Against

  1. A19004 –Purchase of Marquee

6m x4m Marquee to be kept and erected at Village Hall for both Parish and Village Hall use.

Cost - £450

Diana presented the project and explained that the Marquee would provide flexibility for events held at the Village Hall and would be stored in the shed but owned by the Parish. This project is dependent upon project A19002.

                                                Approved: 15 For 1 Against

                                Project Funding Discussion.

It was explained by the Chair that only £7k was currently available with projected funds of £10k Oct, £2k Jan 2020, £10k Oct 2020.

The Meeting held an Indicative Vote – 18 For to progress the Passing Place (1) Gayton Top at the A157 junction which is urgent due to traffic being forced to use the verge because of bollards being positioned too close to the road at Marsh Croft.

The following was agreed:-

Project A19001 (St. Georges Churchyard) – to be fully funded with phase 1 & 2 (Jan 2020) and the remainder (Oct 2020).

Project A19002 (Village Hall External Improvements) – fully funded.

Project A19003 (Passing Places) – Contractor to be approached to split the project and quote for Passing Place( 1) to be initiated (Oct 2019) if possible. 

ACTION:- Parish Chair.

Project A19004 (Marquee) – fully funded.

Approved as above: 15 For 1 Against



  1. Election of Officials by Parish
    1.  Parish Meeting Officers – no change – approved.
    2. Village Hall Committee members – Lucy, Paul G – approved.
    3. Windfarm Fund Committee members – Cassandra replace Alan - approved.


  1. AOB
    1. Speeding –still an issue in the village.  

Mark has identified that 30 MPH signs can be obtained from Lincs Safety Partnership but request must be from Parish Officials – approved.

-Action:  Parish Chair.

  1. First Aid Course?

9 people indicated an interest.

-Action: Parish Clerk to progress.

  1. Events – what do you want?

The Chair reminded parishioners that they, besides Parish Officials/Village Hall Committee, could organise Community Events using the Windfarm Community Fund.

Concern was expressed that a specific event specifically excluded children – it was explained that this particular event was not organised by the Parish. The policy of the Parish is to support events which involve the whole community – though as always parents/guardians need to be responsible for the behaviour of the children in their care.

  1. State of the Roads
    1. -Concern was expressed regarding the high usage of the road by HGV vehicles which were causing excessive wear and tear. It was explained that the HGV’s were transporting Gypsum and Woodchip – Cllr McNally stated that little could be done.
    2. -Concern was expressed that the Road Sweeper did not extend beyond the village to their house – a plan to address this was outlined.                         -
  2. Cllr Mc Nally  and Cllr Harrison

Thanked the Parish Meeting for the opportunity to attend and expressed their full support. If anyone requires assistance with Lincs CC or ELDC concerns they should contact them.