Gayton le Marsh Parish Meeting 17 January 2024
Held – Gayton le Marsh Village Hall 7.00pm
1. Present: Rick Crust (Parish Chairman), Mark Henry (Parish Clerk), and Peter Buckeridge (RFO). 13 residents also present, at the meeting.
Welcome: Rick welcomed those who attended the meeting.
2. Apologies: Apologies from Keith Robinson (Vice-Chairman), Kathy Crust, Hans and Wayland Mitchell, Margaret Finch, Tracey Stubbs, Cassandra Hipwell, Greg Smith, Valerie Buckeridge, Les and Marilyn Milton.
3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 23 August 2023, were approved by those present at the meeting. Copies provided and those present reminded they can access the minutes via website. Minutes signed and dated by Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk.
4. Matters arising: Residents were informed that some rubble remains at the site of the fly tipping, that the Environment Agency sign remains in place. Rick informed those present that it was previously mentioned about a litter pick in the Village. It is hoped to take place when the weather is better. It was again mentioned about a tree in dangerous condition, in Back Lane. Robin to speak to owner of the land to deal with it, using a Tree Surgeon. Two villagers are willing to assist in dealing with the tree.
5. Finances: Peter informed the meeting that the finances are the same as was reported in the August 2023 meeting and updated the meeting on same.
6. Set/approve Parish Precept 2024/2025: Rick suggested that the Parish precept for the coming financial year remains the same, at £700. This was put to the meeting, Wayne proposed it remained the same, this was seconded by Jayne.
7. Appoint member onto Windfarm Committee: Rick informed the meeting that Colette had resigned from the committee, and that another member was needed. Those present at the meeting were asked if they wanted to join the committee. Fiona volunteered, proposed by Joan and seconded by Gill.
8. Approval for Project application: The meeting was informed that it was proposed, by the Windfarm committee (as in 2022), due to the ongoing cost of living, a community care payment of £200 be offered to each household in the Village. This proposal was put to the meeting, it was approved unanimously. A project application to be submitted.
9. Update on Gates for Graveyard / Street light and CCTV: Rick spoke to the meeting about the gates, that PCC have been informed and are willing to pay £1,000 towards the cost. Meeting informed of the total cost of gates. It was felt that it would take too long for the PCC to deal with offer of assistance. That funds be made available which was approved at a previous Parish Meeting. This was put to the meeting and was approved unanimously. A project application to be submitted. Mark updated the meeting about the streetlight that was permanently on. This issue has been resolved, the damaged streetlight at the far end of the Village, has not been replaced. Mark informed the meeting that he has been in contact with Cllr McNally, and he will chase this up.
Rick informed the meeting about possible ANPR CCTV for the village. That he has been in contact with a Crime prevention Officer from Lincolnshire Police. Rick was informed that there would be little need for CCTV, as thankfully our Village is not suffering from a high volume of crime. Also, the cost of running and maintaining a CCTV system was costly.
10. AOB: Rick informed the meeting about a piece of land that is for sale at the Common area. Would the residents of the Village consider purchasing this piece of land, which is .6 of an acre. The price listed for this is, £45,000. This was discussed and further investigation is required as to ownership, land registry checks. Joan spoke to the meeting regarding poor Platt committee, they require 2 committee members. Rick informed the meeting that 30 acres are managed. Joan asked if anyone would be willing to join the committee. Wayne and Jayne volunteered, approved by those present. A resident mentioned about the tractor tyres, these have been removed. Rick updated the meeting about the plans for the nuclear disposal site at Theddlethrope, that he is involved in meetings with a group.
The Parish Chairman along with the Parish Clerk thanked those who attended the meeting.
The meeting was closed at 7.57pm.