Gayton le Marsh Parish Meeting 17 December 2024 - Held Gayton le Marsh Village Hall 7pm
Present: Rick Crust (Chairman), Keith Robinson (Vice-Chairman), Mark Henry (Parish Clerk), and Peter Buckeridge (RFO). Guests, Cllr Dan McNally (LCC) and Cllr Travis Hesketh (ELDC). 20 residents in total present.
1. Welcome: Parish Chairman welcomed those who were present, at the Parish Meeting. This included our County and District councillors, Dan McNally and Travis Hesketh.
2. Apologies: None.
3. Approval of Minutes: Copies of previous Parish Meeting (AGM) were supplied, and those present reminded that they can access all minutes via the Lincolnshire Parish Councils website. The minutes were approved by those present. Minutes signed and dated by Parish Chairman and Clerk.
4. Matters Arising: Parish chairman updated the meeting on several matters, the streetlight at the far end of the Village has now been replaced. Thanks to the Parish Clerk and Cllr McNally, who assisted in chasing this matter up. That Mrs Hewerdine is to be consulted in relation to trimming the hedge back by the Telephone Box. This is work in progress. The De-Fib training that was organised by the Parish Clerk, went well and quite a few of the villagers attended. Parish Chairman suggested that at a later date a First Aid course maybe organised.
5. Financial Report: Finance Officer spoke to the meeting about the current state of accounts held. Details of these were also provided to those present. Balances as of 17 December 2024 are Parish account - £1,652.24. Windfarm fund current account - £8,759.99. Windfarm fund savings account - £49,954.52. Windfarm fund 25-year account – £22,729.07. Windfarm fund deposit account - £5,006.52. The meeting was informed that there are two payments via the owners of the Windfarm, they are normally paid in July and February. The amounts are £12,000.00.
6. Set Parish Precept – 2025/2026: Parish Chairman suggested that the Parish precept be keep as previous years, at £700.00. This was proposed by Vice- Chairman and seconded by Andrew Chambers.
7. Community Grant: Parish Chairman informed the meeting that it was proposed, as in previous years, due to the ongoing cost of living, a community care payment of £200 be offered to each household in the Village. This proposal was put to the meeting, it was approved unanimously. A project application to be submitted. A slip will be included in the February issue of the Gayt Post, for those residents in the Village who wish to apply for the payment.
8. Nuclear Waste Service Update (NWS): Parish Chairman updated the meeting that the GDF site (old Gas Terminal, Theddlethorpe), is to be relocated. No exact location has been set. The Parish Chairman informed the meeting that he, and the Vice- Chairman attended a recent meeting in Mablethorpe, along with other Parish councillors in the affected areas. Cllr Hesketh spoke to the meeting about the GDF, that this matter has been dragging on for several years, and no decision has been made as to where the GDF will be situated. He provided some copies of a report – The Nuclear Option Impact on the tourist and wider Community.
This report was compiled by Guardians of the East Coast (GOTEC), in October 2024. Cllr McNally also informed the meeting, that if ELDC and LCC hear nothing by 2027, they will withdraw. Vice-Chairman proposed that the Parish Meeting agree in principle with Maplethorpe and Sutton-on-Sea, until the outcome of proposed meetings to be held in the Village Hall in February 2025, by the NWS. Update – there were two planned meetings in February. There will only be the one. The Parish Clerk asked that residents attend this meeting. A resident present at the meeting suggest a Parish Meeting to be held after the NWS meeting, in February 2025.
AOB: Parish Clerk updated the meeting about the grit bins. The one at the far end of the village has been topped up with salt. The grit bin at the entrance of the village is to be replaced by LCC and topped up with salt, in due course. A request to be made from Parish funds to purchase two scoops, for these grit bins. Residents were concerned about the muddy roads in parts of the Village. Also, others present were concerned at the condition of the passing place at Gayton Top. Enquires to be made with LCC, regarding the road surface at Chapel corner.
Concerns also about HGVs in the village driving at excess speed in the 30mph zone. This appears to be occurring early morning. It was suggested that the concerned residents obtain, if possible, the registration number of the HGVs and contact number of the company. Parish Chairman to speak to Nick Harvey. Parish Clerk to obtain more 30 MPH passive signs, via the Community Speed Watch (CSW). A resident has concerns that the stile at a field in the village, in that you cannot get a dog over/through it. A suggestion made regarding a feasibility of a kissing gate. Cllr Hesketh informed the meeting of the Home Energy Team, at ELDC. That energy grants maybe possible, from them.
It was proposed to hold a meeting after the NWS meeting in February 2025. A suggested dated was 4 March 2025.
The Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk thanked Councillors McNally and Hesketh, and those from the Village who attended the Parish Meeting.
The meeting was closed at 8.22pm.