
Gayton le Marsh Parish Meeting 23 August 2023

Held – Gayton le Marsh Village Hall 7.00pm


1. Present: Rick Crust (Parish Chairman), Keith Robinson (Vice-Chairman), and Peter Buckeridge (RFO). 18 residents also present. Rick welcomed those who attended the meeting, including two new residents to the village, Fred and Jackie.

2. Apologies: Apologies received from Mark Henry (Parish Clerk), and Marilyn and Les Wilton.

3. Approval of minutes of AGM, May 2023: Minutes approved, proposed by Robin Barr and seconded by, Peter Buckeridge. Minutes dated and signed.

4. Matters arising: The Telephone box was mentioned, as you cannot access it. I was proposed to move it. Also a bench made by a resident of the village was proposed to be sited near to the Telephone box. Owner of area was not in agreement to move the Telephone box or site the bench in the proposed area. Mention was made of the street light opposite Gayton House, is still on. Parish clerk to mention this to relevant authority. Tractor tyres that a resident mentioned at the AGM. These tyres can be removed, this would incur a cost of £120 includes vat. Rick mentioned there are funds available to remove the tyres. It was an unanimous vote to have them removed.

Rick informed the meeting that there is a slippage on a dyke, near to Pyewipe Farm. He will enquire about getting this sorted. Residents mentioned about pot holes in the Village. Rick informed the meeting to report these using the ‘fix my street’ on the internet.

Rick informed the meeting of the instances of fly tipping, that there was approximately 40 tons of rubbish. That the Environment Agency (EA), were involved and the rubbish has been cleared away. A sign from the EA remains with a small pile of rubble.

5. Financial report/approval of audited accounts: Peter provided details of the balance for funds held in accounts, for 2022 – 2023. These were reviewed and audited by Duncan & Toplis Accountants. Current balances as of 23 August 2023 are, Parish account £1,116.78. Windfarm fund account £14,116.80. Windfarm savings account £44,116.03. Windfarm 25 year savings account £19,642.21. Rick asked these be approved, proposed by Joan and seconded by Andrew.

6. AOB: Mark applied to LCC for litter picking equipment, (hi-vis vests, litter pickers, and bags). This is now held in the Village Hall, if people want to use it. It is proposed to organise a litter pick later in the year. A resident mentioned that the graveyard is overgrown with nettles. Also gates to the graveyard need replacing. It was proposed to the meeting that funds be made available from the Windfarm Fund to cover the cost of this. That an application is required for this. It was an unanimous decision by those present at the meeting. 

A resident was concerned about a tree in Back Lane, that may fall over. The land owner to be approached about this, and the tree possibly to be felled. Another resident mentioned who was responsible for the dyke behind their property. Rick stated the Parish is responsible to the maintenance, that he will enquire about having this looked at. This is the only dyke the Parish is responsible for.

The Parish chairman and vice-chairman thanked those present for attending the meeting.

The meeting was closed at 7.50pm.